Throughout his career, Tadhg Daly has been in pursuit of creating a more adventurous and textured approach to the alt-pop sound. Following the promotion and experience of his first commercial output, and with the confidence of finding his voice and focusing his talents, Tadhg became studious to the songwriting cause and throughout 2020 when the world was in lockdown he holed himself up in an East London studio.
In 2021, Tadhg delivered a flurry of exciting releases, including ‘Your Heart’s Not In It’ and ‘Forever Young’, which generated enormous tastemaker support from amongst others; Wonderland, The Independent, Official Charts, RTE, CLASH, The Irish Post, Record of the Day, Euphoria Magazine, Hot Press, and Atwood Mag.
With the machinery in place for his career to develop, Tadhg Daly is quickly becoming one of the most talked about new artists of the moment.